Delegates and friends from all across Alaska gathered in Shaktoolik April 10-13, 2024, for the Alaska Conference Annual Meeting. Despite weather affecting travel most were able to get to the conference for at least a couple days. KICY broadcast each evening service, live. Special thanks to Brian Nanninga and Sean for facilitating the set up and broadcast the first night as I was unable to get to Shaktoolik until Thursday.

The theme of the conference was From Everyone To Everywhere, and the theme song was Here Am I, Lord. Special speakers for the evening services were Grace Shim, Executive Minister of Serve Globally for the Evangelical Covenant Church, and Dr. Dennis Edwards of North Park University, Vice President for Church Relations and Dean of the Seminary. The concluding message on Saturday morning was given by Conference Superintendent Curtis Ivanoff.

Click on the name to hear the messages as presented.

Wednesday evening: Grace Shim

Thursday evening: Dr. Dennis Edwards

Friday evening: Dr. Dennis Edwards

Saturday morning: Curtis Ivanoff